Women in Nature Day
Join adult women 18 years+ for an opportunity to discover new outdoor recreation skills, build a nature-loving community, and experience the natural landscapes of NW Iowa! Winter WIND will be held Saturday, January 11th from 9am - 3pm at Oneota Park in Spencer, IA. Click here to register!
WIND is a collaborative program with ISU Extension & Outreach, Dickinson County Conservation Board and Clay County Conservation Board.

Soup n Slide

Wild Wednesdays
Wild Wednesdays are free, family friendly programs happening every Wednesday during the summer.

Lakeside Reads
Lakeside Reads is a book club focused on nature or science topics. We meet the 4th Thursday of the month at 11:00 (April - Oct). Come for the conversation, beautiful view and snacks! Call Mary at 712-337-3669 ext 5 for more information.

Lakeside Treasure Hike
June 1 – October 1
This self-guided nature exploration and tour of Lakeside grounds is perfect for children, families, and “kids at heart” of any age. Pick up a treasure map at Lakeside entrance and go exploring for hidden clues and secret messages.

Tuesday Speaker Series
Join us at 7pm on Tuesday nights during the summer for presentations provided by a variety of experts. If you love learning, these Speaker Series programs are for you!